Daily Meditation Challenge
Tried to meditate and you just don’t think it’s for you? ..or you want to meditate but you just can’t quite fit in the time?? Here’s a challenge that can help you start adding meditation into your daily routine–no matter what that routine is.
Today start with 1 minute of meditation during a moment of downtime. Choose a moment where you maybe feel a bit rundown or tired.
Set a timer for 1 minute, find a comfortable seated position, and try these breathing techniques with your eyes closed (or a soft gaze at nothing in particular) in the quietest space available to you:
Trace Your Space
Choosing the edges of the space around you, maybe that’s the room, a carpet, chair legs, or anything that is supporting you through your meditation.
Inhale imagining the breath to go up one side, and exhale imagining the breath to go down the other side.
If you can slowly start to imagine your breath as light and start to brighten the light until, in your mind, you no longer see anything but a moving light. This will take some practice, and more than 1 minute but it’s a very grounding meditation.
Belly Breath
Take some deep breaths and observe your normal breath. Then start inhaling deeper and deeper until you’re inhaling to take up the space from the top of your spine to the bottom. Continue this deep breathing, focusing on how the breath moves in your body.
4x4 Breath
This one is a staple in most yoga classes. Inhale for a count of 4 and then exhale for count of 4. You can change up the number at any time, or perhaps if you’re trying to calm down you inhale for 4 and exhale for 6. If you want to energize yourself, perhaps you inhale for 6 and exhale for 4.
Once you find a technique that works for you**, add 30 seconds or 1 minute to your timer when you start your meditation. Eventually you’ll be meditating for 5 minutes, and then 10 minutes and beyond. But it all starts 30 seconds at a time.
Happy meditating! 🧘♂️
**if these aren’t providing what you need there are plenty more techniques available to try, Google: meditation breathing techniques