Thank You
You saw the writer
in me before I did
said “here you go,
I think you’d be good at this”
and handed me a notebook
full of blank prompts,
a guiding light for later
when you left.
I didn’t even register then
what you were saying,
recently I saw
the proposed
in the blankness.
I wish I
could say
Thank You…
If you’re reading
Thank You.
I learned from you
things you can only learn
from being in an abundance
of love, I learned
to be a guiding light for
when you
Left me to write,
left me to create,
left me alone
because we both knew
that’s what was
regardless of
how wrong it felt
in the moment,
we both knew I could write
and the life you wanted for
us wasn’t what I saw as right.
I wrote you away
in my head
and on paper but
I still haven’t
had the heart to
fill out the prompts
you left me.
I’ve put a lot of my
heart out there
My heart has rolled out of my sleeve.
I’ve learned to extend
the love you left
into scrolls,
and I hope you’ve had a chance
to build wonderful
things in life
with the love
I left.
Not the
in love,
because we
have let that go–
but the consensus
that we were once something
more friendly than
a casual hello.
We watched sunsets,
and sunrises,
and looked at each
other like we were the
only two, even when we knew
it wasn’t so.
Remember that night in the pool,
dancing like no one else existed;
a hot summer heat,
everywhere, sweaty as New Orleans.
The great debacle
of letting
I wish I had received your note
in a bottle earlier, and written worlds
for you to keep
when you left
but I’m glad I kept those worlds for myself,
not sorry; they kept me
when you couldn’t.
I hope she carves
your love in stone and
you never let each other go
because you
that kind of permanence
and dedication in love.
Anyway, I just wanted to say
Thank You for being one who
left me to write,
to create,
sans confinement.
Thank you for
seeing me before I did.