The Greatest Country in the World™©
The Greatest Country in the World™©
is burning.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
is freezing.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
is flooded.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
is unhoused, underfed and undereducated.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
can’t read.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
is depressed.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
works until they die.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
wants women to fail.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
deports the people that try to be part of it.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
controls the bodies of its people to their detriment.
The Greatest Country in the World™©
has to be made great again.
The Greatest Country in the World™©.